Politics. Center for Liberal Strategies. Institute for International and Regional Studies. The Volga-Urals Region, by Nicolay Pavlov. Deja Vu, Belgrade 1999 - New York 2001. Elections. Central Electoral Commission, Bg. Macedonia Elections 2002 Official Site (DIK) Izbori 2001. Election Reports - Bulgaria (from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights) Election Reports - Macedonia (from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights) Elections in Bulgaria by Wilfried Derksen. Elections in Macedonia by Wilfried Derksen. Elections around the world: Bulgaria. Elections around the world: Macedonia. General Information. Email to our Tzar: simbul@servicom.es The building works of the Tomb, on a design of the Swiss architect N. Mauer, were finished in 1897. It was decorated by the prominent Bulgarian artist H. Tatchev. In 1937 the Countess of Hartenau, the wife of Prince Battenberg, bestowed the Museum all his personal belongings and documents. Part of them are displayed in the Tomb. In 1946 it was closed for visitors. Since 1991 the Ministry of Defence has reopened the Mausoleum for the public. Frequently Asked Questions about Bulgaria. National Statistical Institute Bg. State Statistical Office Mk. Bulgarian Yellow Pages. Macedonia White Pages. Treaties and agreements. The Treaty of Berlin, 1878. The Three Emperors League - June 18, 1881. The Treaty of London, 1913. The Treaty of Bucharest, August 10, 1913. Convention Respecting the Thracian Frontier. The Treaty of Constantinople, 1913. Treaty of Neuilly-sur-Seine, marking the end of WW1. The Treaty of Neuilly - 1919, Dr. Bozhidar Dimitrov. The Versailles Treaty June 28, 1919. The Armistice Agreement with Bulgaria; October 28, 1944. Australian Treaty Series 1948 No 2 - Treaty of Peace with Bulgaria. UN Security Council Resolution 1244. The Final Rambouillet text, February 23, 1999. The Interim Agreement for Peace and Self-Government in Kosovo (RTF file - readable in MS Word) html/pdf. Skip most of the text and read the most important piece, the notorious Appendix:B that was included so that the Treaty couldn't possibly be signed. Infrastructure and Development. Underground parking lot - Vasil Levski National Stadium. The Armed Forces & Military Companies. Mpeg Video Clip of MI-24 Hind Attack Helicopter. MI-24 HIND. ~ALLIES~ ~UKRAINE~ Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. ~Information and Imports~ Russian Defense Business Directory. Night Vision Gear. Law Enforcement. NATIONAL GENDARMERIE SERVICE bg. Posting and Shipping. Bg Posts, Member of Universal Postal Union. Macedonian Post. DHL: Corporate-Bulgaria Drop-Off Locations. Bulgarian Shipping Directory. BULGARIAN MARINE INFONET-SHIPPING DIRECTORY '2001. Ukraine-Bulgaria - ferry lines - UKRFERRY Shipping Company. Duluth Shipping. Real Estate. 
Privatisation Agency in Bulgaria. Privatization Agency of the Republic of Macedonia. Photography. 
Photo Zine. Petrov's Bulgarian Photo Album. Grigor's Photos from Bulgaria. Photos of Bulgarian monasteries by Ludmil Egov.  
"According to historic sources, both the Vrhovists and Centralists ignored any language question, and simply accepted the beliefs of the Macedonian revivalist leaders. Thus if we must apportion "guilt" because some of them spoke in "Bulgarian" or wrote in "Bulgarian", the "guilt" should be undoubtedly assigned to those figures for who today we make no "comments", but simply recognise them as the most sacred, outstanding characters of Macedonian history. And when we examine their works closely, reading them without the deletions and additions, or even just glancing at their major works, we uncover an important truth, namely that Parteni Zografsky, Kiril Peichinovich, Teodosig Sinaitsky, the Miladinov Brothers, Grigor Prlichev, Kuzman Shapkarev, Marko Tsepenkov and many more, whenever they wrote for their mother tongue or about the revision of this language, they only declared for a Bulgarian language. And so again we return to Mihailov and Alexandrov. Why do we "accuse" them of things of which they are not guilty? Instead, is it not "scandalous" for Macedonian history that the two great awakeners, the Miladinov Brothers, proclaimed themselves everywhere as Bulgarians and their language as Bulgarian? Gotse Delchev, undoubtedly the greatest and most prominent son of the Macedonian Liberation struggle, within his plans reasons, as a final solution, the concept of an autonomous Macedonia. The idea for an independent Macedonian state and its adherence within the framework of the historic VMRO appears in the time of Todor Alexandrov and is confirmed by Vancho Mihailov. I'll mention only a few facts from the life of Gotse: All his education is entrusted to the Bulgarian Exarchy by his parents. After he completes primary school his father sends him to the Bulgarian "Salonica Men's Gymnasium" and thereafter he travels to Bulgaria to become a Bulgarian military officer; discontinuing his studies he returns to Macedonia as a Bulgarian Exarchist teacher, a role, where amongst other duties, he teaches the Bulgarian language to his pupils as their mother tongue. In 1893 or 1894 he joins an organisation called the "Bulgarian- Macedonian-Adrianople Revolutionary Committee" and in a short time becomes one of its main leaders. Later he is assigned to act as the foreign VMRO representative stationed in Sofia, where he regularly attends the Supreme Committee (Vrhovists) meetings, and together with Giorche Petrov organises Boris Sarafov's election as its president. Assuredly, if Gotse Delchev was still alive in 1945 when the Serbo-communists left Macedonia in Yugoslavia, he would have found himself in "Idrizovo". Mr. LJUPCHO GEORGIEVSKI President, VMRO-DPMNE Political Party Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia published in the Skopje newspaper "Puls" 7 July 1995 Links to History, Linguist & Archeology Sources. Todor Zhivkov. Warsaw Pact history, war plans and exercises. Bulgarian History (681 - 1944). Rulers of Volga Bulgaria. Rulers of Bulgaria. The rulers of Bulgaria. Chronology of Bulgarian Rulers. Bulgarian History and the title Kanasubigi. Tsar Samuil was emperor of Bulgaria, neutral quotes. Greek text says BULGARIANS, in this painting of Tzar Samuil's knights. An approach to dating the Pliska Rosette. Bulgarians-Roots, connections, place in the world: Vesselka Stefanova's website. Bulgarian map of Thracian tomb sites. Internet resources on Bulgaria. The Proto-Bulgarian Ethnos. a brief history outline 18 Oct 2000. Map of Bulgarian minority in Yugoslavia. Bulgarian army liberation units in Yugoslavia 1941-1944. The Slavs. a brief history outline 18 Oct 2000. Map of Former-Yugoslavia, see Bulgarian minority in Serbia. 
Macedonian Scientific Institute. Historical Ethnic Statistics in Macedonia. Photo: Welcoming the Bulgarian district band at Kumanovo (1908). Who The Macedonians Are, Bulgarians - By Sir Arthur J. Evans. Old VMRO photos & 1 of soldiers swearing to Tsar Boris III. The Battle of Slivnitsa 1885. Balkan States after 1885, Bulgaria united with East Rumelia. Philip Gibbs: The Siege of Adrianople, 1912. 'Splendid Fellows, Splendidly Led' Bulgaria 1878 - 1913, David Johnson for Military History Magazine. Bulgarian Human Rights in Macedonia. Letter of Bishop Josip Juraj Strossmayer to Mr. William E. Gladstone, February 13, 1878. The 1908 Declaration of Bulgarias Independence. a brief history outline 18 Oct 2000. The Formation of the Balkan League of 1912. Russian Tsar Nicholas' Declaration Against the Bulgarians ("Tsar of Poland"). It is true that we are Serbian stooges! (the truth about OMO "ILINDEN") - Krassmir Iliev. Branko Crvenkovski is interviewed by Bulgarian Television BNT WITHOUT a translator. 
Pierce O'Mahony - an Irishman in Bulgaria. Turkey Threatens Bulgaria - The New York Times, y 1901. The Flight of the Turks from Lule-Burgas, 1912. The New Martyrs of the Bulgarian Nation, by Novice Petko. Bulgarian History. Learn moreNational Revival. The Rise and Fall of the First Bulgarian Empire, 681-1018. World History at KMLA: Bulgaria. Informations historiques sur la Bulgarie. James Griffany on medieval Bulgaria. Globalnet, History of Bulgaria. THE TRIPLE ENTENTE. 1808 CHRISTIAN PARTISANS IN BULGARIA (Bucharest Reporter). The Manifesto of the Krushevo Republic. "Blood tax". Ottoman gravure. Bulgarian uprising (1850). The Bulgarian Atrocities - BBC. William Gladstone and The Bulgarian Atrocities. William Gladstone and The Bulgarian Atrocities by George Horton. The MacGahan American-Bulgarian Foundation of New Lexington. The MacGahan American-Bulgarian Foundation. THE ARTICLE THAT CAUSED THE RUSSO-TURKO WAR, by MacGahan. THE ARTICLE THAT CAUSED THE RUSSO-TURKO WAR, by MacGahan. A scene from the Bulgarian Atrocities. The burning and the sack of Batak. The Russians Liberate Varna. the Russo-Turkish War. A Selection of Images of Warfare in the Balkans. Sir Edwin Pears: The Massacre of Bulgarians, 1876. Turkish Horrors in Macedonia, February 6, 1903. 1903 Turks Massacre Bulgarians in Macedonia. Letter to the N.Y. Times 1915 by "A ROVING ENGLISHMAN" Ottoman antiBulgarian Propaganda. Tsarigrad Citymap. Tsarigrad, Regional Access Map. Tsarigrad, Dardanelles & Balkans MAPS. Map of the Gallipoli Peninsula. British Policy to the Ottoman Empire & the Origins of Dardanelles Campaign. The Relations between the Ottoman State and Britain. The Ottomans.org Map of the Ottoman Empire. Map of the Ottoman Empire. Atrocities on Bulgarians and Revenge. Proof that most of Bulgaria's so-called "turks" are Ethnic Bulgarian descendants of Janissaries (see MRF party). The First Bulgarian Independence Movement. Nationalism in the Balkans. THE MACEDONIAN ENIGMA. Germanos Karavangelis posing with the Ottoman governor & commander in the Kostur region. 90 Years Greek Ethnic Cleansing of Bulgarians in Aegean Macedonia. Greece's Nazi past. Bulgarian Leva with the image of Kavalla Town. Greece: Minorities Face Rough Justice. Bulgarian-Greek Dictionary banned in Greece. Treatment of minorities and homogeneis in Greece: relics and challenges. Stereotypes of Domestic Minorities and Neighbouring Peoples in the Greek Press (April - December 1999). Ethnic Macedonians in Greece (Republic of Turkey - Ministry of Foreign Affairs). "The Pillars of Hercules, A Grand Tour of The Mediterranean", by Paul Theroux. Greece's long 'probationary period' in focus. Greek sequels: Travels through multiethnic Macedonia. The hellenization of the Albanians. Arvanites (Albanians) in Greece. "Athens was a greek town in the middle of Albanian countryside." Robert Browning. Albanian Greece, Encyclopedia year 1911. The Name Albania. Which one of these coins is Greek? Discussion about the issue if the Greeks from Asia Minor really were christian ethnic Turks. Turks are the best kind of Hellenes. "The sons of Pericles & Plato" Discussion on the many origins of the greeks. Discussion on the Arab origin of the greeks. Turkish speaking "greeks" from asia minor moved to greece. Replies trample greek fascism. Albanians in the Caucasus. Map of Northern Dobrudja, full of Bulgarian names. EASTERN ROUMELIA, The R O Overprints By Herbert P. Woodward. Lion statue. 3 Lions, Coat of Arms. Lions throughout Bg History. Macedonian Lion, Excluding through Photoshop Dardania, Moesia & Thracia. 
Vassil Karlukovski's website. Inscriptions and Alphabet of the Proto-Bulgarians, by Peter Dobrev (my Idol!). MAJOR EVENTS RELEVANT TO CENTRAL ASIAN HISTORY (c.1200BC - Summer 1991). Alexander the Great and his troops rested and got new provisions at Balkh. Was BUDDHA and his people the Sakhs a proto-BULGARIAN Tribe? GEMEINSAME ABSTAMMUNG DER BAYERN UND BULGAREN. VOINI NA TANGRA. TANGRA TanNakRa - All Bulgarian Foundation. The people of the Volga - The Bolgars and the Golden Horde (with a RealPlayer file!!!). Bulgars is iranian by origin? OGUZ KUTRIGURI. Dulo Society. the Pamyr word VAR-DAR. Proto-Bulgarian Toponyms & Hydronyms in Afghanistan. We, the Bolg-Aryans - Shegor Rassate, Bulgaria. Souvenirs: Buy Kubrat's sword! Buy the ancient calendar! Bulgarian art at the Hermitage Museum (Kubrat's Sword!). Map of the Four Old-World River Valley Cultures. Picture of the ancient Bulgarian Calendar, it is still the world's most accurate. Valuable Discussion about the origin of proto-Bulgarians, clearing up some issues. Asiaeuropien Transcontinental Alliance "BOLGAR" Violation of the right of self-identification of the Bolgars of Volga in Russia. Future Pope Helped King Boris III to Rescue Ethnic Jews. Dimitar Peshev, the man who stoped Hitler. The Optimists, The Story of the Rescue of the Bulgarian Jews from the Holocaust. Salvation of Bulgarian Jews during WW II, Collection of Materials. 'To be a Bulgarian is to be a mensch' By Leora Eren Frucht, the Jerusalem Post. Anti-Defamation League Honors Bulgaria for Saving Jews From Holocaust. SPEECH GIVEN BY MR. YORDAN SOKOLOV, PRESIDENT OF THE 38-TH NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF BULGARIA. Bulgarian Jewry - World Jewish Congress. Holocaust Resources. Jews in Bulgaria. The Bulgarian Universe. Asen - BG History. Bulgaria 2000. Bulgarian History. Documents about the past of Macedonia. The Macedonian Renaissance. Bg History. Basil II Bulgaroktonos. THE COMPLETE LIST OF BULGARIAN MILITARY GLORY AGAINST & FOR [liberating] BYZANTIUM. THE COMPLETE LIST OF BULGARIAN MILITARY GLORY AGAINST & FOR [liberating] BYZANTIUM. Khan Tervel's war on the Arabs & the Liberation of Byzantium. Byzantine chronicler, Ioannes Zonaras on Tsar Samuil's war with Basil II. Bulgarian Umbrella - Dedicated to the memory of Mr. Georgi Markov. J.V. Stalin - Concerning the National Question in Yugoslavia. Pomaks & Bulgarians in the Balkans. The POMAKS. POMAK MAP, Balkans & Turkey. Russians in Bulgaria. Thracian History - a Bulgarian view. Bulgarian History with Maps. The FIR BOLG, proto-Bulgarian migration to Ireland. The Armenian community in Bulgaria. Discussion on the Bulgaro-Armenian connection from antiquity until the present. Maps of the proto-BulgaroArmenian Klan, the Vanands in medieval Armenia. ArmeniaDiaspora.com Map of present Hindukush region, homeland of ancient Bulgaria! Map of ALL the States created by Bulgarians throughout History, Europe & Asia. Macedonia is around Plovdiv and Bulgaria around Ohrid - Reign of Tsar Ivan-Assen II. Second Bulgarian Kingdom. Map of Bulgarian Tsar Samuel's Empire. Map of Bulgaria after the Conference of Constantinople, 1876-77. Map of Bulgarian ethnic spread during Russian Liberation, drawn by Russian Professor Ishirkoff. Map of San stefano & Berlin Bulgaria. Meet Bulgaria, R.H. Markham, Staff Correspondent of the The Christian Science Monitor. MAP of Medieval Bulgarian ethnic spread in the Balkans. Map of the Decline of the Ottoman Empire (its losses). Map of the land lost at the Treaty of Neuilly. Map of the Kresna Operation 1913 (Bulgaria red, Greece green & Serbia blue). The geographical region of Macedonia 1878-1914 (BG map). First Balkan War: The capitulation of Janina, & the Greeks. The Balkan Wars (1912-1913). Bulgaria created the World's first Airforce! Balkan war 1912-13. Aircraft of the First Balkan War 1912. First & Second Balkan War, background. Second Balkan War, post by Brannik. Second Balkan War, post by Boris. Second Balkan War - Ignited by Serbia, used Albania as an excuse. Second Balkan War 1913 - Casualty figures; Bulgaria 18,500 & The Enemies 54,500! Second Balkan War, Soldiers & Equipment. Carnegie Report: The Serbian Army During the Second Balkan War. The conduct of the Bulgarians in the second war (PICTURES). Carnegie Report: The Greek Army and Bulgarian Peasants During the Second Balkan War. The general mobilization of the Bulgarian army was carried out on the 30th of September 1912. Map of Macedonia divided between Serbia and Bulgaria in 1st Balkan War. Map of the Balkans, the Balkan Wars. The Balkans 1911-14. 1913 - Turkish general Shukri Pasha capitulates with the whole Adrianople corps. Balkan politics drifts to the Right, Balkan wars - WW2. Major Lionel Samson witnessing the final days of the siege of Adrianople. 1915: Turks prepare to fleefrom Constantinople & establish a new Capital in Asia Minor. 1915: "Bulgaria on the auction block" Slavic settlements & Varangians AD 880 (Bg Kingdom is suspiciously missing...) Bulgaria Threatens to Fight Greece. Balkans 1st World War. Why Bulgaria fought against the Serbs in ww1. Search Results for Bulgaria at firstworldwar.com/ Photos of Bulgarian Soldiers during WW1. Ferdinand of Bulgaria and Wilhelm II meet at Nish (Mackensen at far right) Bulgarian Prime Minister Radoslavoff. Bulgarian Minister of War General Fitchoff. WW1 Bugarian Infantryman, 1915. Poststamp, Bulgarian attack on Romania in the Fall 1916. MAP - WW2 Campaign in the Balkans 1941. Bulgarian WW2 Military Page. Bulgarian tanks in liberated Vardar Macedonia April 1941. WW2 Balkan Photos. 
Map of the Eurasian Steppes (the Green Sea). Map of Volga Bulgarians, Varangians & the Byzantine Empire. Map of Volga Bulgaria & Danube Bulgaria. Another Map of Volga & Danube Bulgaria. Map of the largest extent of Volga Bulgaria. Kievan Russia & Volga Bulgaria in the 11th century. Swedish Map of European Trade Routes with city Bulgar (V. Bulgaria). Trade routes in Medieval Europe. Russian Territories & Trade Routes 878-912. Russian Territorial Acquisitions 912-972. Kievan Rus' in the 11th century. Map of Pre-Mongol Eurasia. Russia at Mongol invasion. East Slavic, Bulgar and adjacent tribes in the 9th century. BASHKORTOSTAN Formely part of Volga Bulgaria. Map of Bashkortostan. Bashkortostan Goskomstat. The Eastern Mari. Ethnographic map of the Caucasus. Kabardino-Balkaria Online. Information on Balkars. Chuvash Republic Server - in Russian. Welcome to Chuvashia. Flag of Chuvashia. Blazons of Chuvashia Republic Towns. City of Almetyevsk, Tatarstan. Preemnitsa Belikogo Bulgara, by Azgar Muxamadiev - in Russian (City Kazan). Volga Bulgarian city Kazan. History of Volga Bulgaria. Volga Bulgarian History. Volga-Kama Bulgariya - by Sergei Shishkin (in Russian). Volga Bulgars in the Middle Ages. Kipchak Timeline (mentions bulgars & russians). Volzhskaya Bulgariya - archaeology of Volga Bulgaria, in Russian. Volga Bulgariya - a brief profile with a small map by N.A. Mazhitov (in Russian). THE FIRST BULGARIAN STATE FORMATIONS by Zufar MIFTAKHOV (comment by Tatarists). Mishar Tatars, the. What are the different Tatar groups (ethnography)? The National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan (NLRT). Ancient Persian Texts. PanIranism.org Very nice looking map of Slavs in medieval europe. Map of deathcamp Goli Otok in ExYugoslavia. Balkan Military History. Some information about the ETHNIC Tatars, who they really were. Map of the homeland of the ETHNIC tatars, not volga bulgars. 
AllEmpires - The Mongol Empire. History of the Mongol Empire. Map of the Mongol Empire. Map of the Mongol Empire (left). Map of the Mongol Empire (center). Map of the Mongol Empire (right). Map of Mongolian campaign in Europe. Map of Slavic Tribes in Europe. BULGARIA'S RELATIONS WITH BYZANTIUM, by Dimiter Markovski. Byzantium: A terror story lasted 11 centuries. Byzantium. Byzantine Studies on the Internet. Byzantine Studies at the Dumbarton Oaks Research Center, Washingnton, D.C. Map of Byzantium. General Map for the Era of the Crusades. Balcanica: Bulgaria history maps. 1923 Map of ethnicities in Europe. Maps of some countries ideal state borders. Map of Greek Macedonia. Map of the Greek Megali Idea. Map of the "Albanian" vilayets PROVIDED by Ottoman Turkey, the so-called "Greater Albania." Map of medieval Serbia's mere 34 years in Macedonia. Boundaries of Serbia [from 1196-present] (54K). Balkan Maps. University of Texas: Historical Maps of The Balkans. Atlas Historique Periodique. 
The Mak Truth. 
The Macedonian Oracle. 
The Bulgarian Macedonia Page. 