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 Petar Stoyanov, President of Bulgaria. Petar Stoyanov was born on May 25 1952 1976 Law Degree from the "Saint Kliment Ohridski" University of Sofia. 1978 - 1990 Practicing lawyer. 1990 Spokesman of the Union of the Democratic Forces (UDF) in Plovdiv (Bulgaria's second largest city). 1992 Deputy Minister of Justice in the first non-communist (UDF) government of Bulgaria since 1944. 1993 Resigned from office after the dismissal of the UDF government. May 1993 President of the UDF Legal Council. 1994 Elected Member of the 37th National Assembly (Bulgaria's Parliament). Deputy Chairman of the UDF Parliamentary Group. Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission on Youth, Sports, and Tourism. 1995 Deputy Chairman of UDF responsible for domestic policy. 1 June 1996 Having won the primaries with 66 % of the 870 000 votes cast Petar Stoyanov was nominated Presidential Candidate of the United Democratic Forces. 3 November 1996 Elected President of the Republic of Bulgaria by winning 2 502 517 votes equal to 59,73 % of the votes cast. 19 January 1997 Sworn in President of the Republic. 22 January 1997 Stepped into office. Mr. Stoyanov speaks English and German. Petar Stoyanov is married with a daughter (born 1990) and a son (born 1979
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 Boris Trajkovski, President of RoM. born on June 25, 1956 in Strumica, Republic of Macedonia married, two children 1974 Graduates High School in Strumica 1975 - 1980 Studies at the Law School at the University of Sts. Cyrilus and Methodius in Skopje Thesis work in commercial law and employment law Professional and Political History 1980 - 1997 Head of the Legal Department of the construction company Sloboda in Skopje 1997 - 1998 Chief of Office of the Mayor of Kisela Voda Municipality in Skopje 1998 - 1999 Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Macedonia since 1999 President of the Republic of Macedonia Other Activities Chairman of the Foreign Relations Commission of VMRO DPMNE Chief Political Advisor on foreign policy to Mr. Ljubco Georgievski, President of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and of VMRO DPMNE Chairman of the Foreign Relations Commission of VMRO DPMNE Member of the Presidency of the NGO Friends of the Pan European Movement for the Republic of Macedonia Member of Macedonian-American Friendship Association Former President of the Youth Work in the United Methodist Church in former Yugoslavia for twelve years President and prominent leader of the Executive Committee of the Methodist Church for Macedonia
 Tzar Simeon II P.M. of Bulgaria. 1937??zar of Bulgaria (1943??. He succeeded his father, Boris III, under a regency. After the occupation (1944) of Bulgaria by Russian forces he remained nominal ruler under a new council of regents. In 1946 a plebiscite abolished the monarchy, and he went into exile in Spain. He has visited Bulgaria several times since 1996.
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 Lubcho Georgievski - Prime Minister, RoM. Mr. Ljubco Georgievski was born in Stip, in 1966. He graduated from the Faculty of Philology-Comparative Literature Desk. Mr. Georgievski is author of three books: "Apocalypse" , book of poetry, 1988 and "City" book of poetry in 1991, as well as of the book of short stories entitled "Direct Investments and Short Stories in the Anatomic Structure of History"- 1994. He was one of the leading figures in the breaking down of the then Yugoslav communist regime, as well as the greatest advocate for independent and autonomous Macedonian state and one of the most active ones in the establishment and functioning of the new multi-party system in the Republic of Macedonia. At only 25 years of age he became the Vice-President of the Republic of Macedonia, or as it was designated by the then terminology he became the Vice-President to the President of the Republic of Macedonia. Eight months later he submitted his resignation to this office, unsatisfied with the manner and slowness of the transformation of the communist into a new democratic system. Mr. Ljubco Georgievski is the President of the VMRO-DPMNE from its establishment until today. The political orientation of Mr. Ljubco Georgievski, have been and still are precise and clear. He is an advocate for autonomous and independent Republic of Macedonia, politician with anti-communist positions, one of the main founders of the democratic system in Macedonia and promoter of the ideas for market economy and rapprochement of the Republic of Macedonia to the European and world economic and security systems.